Securing you android device from stolen, lost is matter to you most. whether you leave at your friend’s or in a cab or at stranger place and most terrified place is you girlfriend’s home. anyone steal your data and gives you the big damage to your life and your girlfriends see what is in your phone then your life could have been ruined. Android Lost Phone App Free.
Some of The Best Android Lost Phone App Free Download
But there’s no reason to panic because there are vast number of apps available in Google Play Store and some of them already installed in your smartphone that make sure your precious is properly secured.

Along with the Google Security Tips you can look some method to save you android device and get some protection from data deletion and data lost.
3LOOKOUT Gives You Some More

If you are searching for a app that do lot more thing beside track your phone than Lookout is best app you ever have. With you registered email you can see your backup data and manage your android device in
Lookout has app scanning for security of your device over the air protection from viruses, malware spyware etc. You can locate & stream, map the location of your device and make it sound an alarm even when your device is silent. It also automatically save your location when the battery is low. Android Lost Phone App Free
2Cerberus Anti Theft

Cerberus far more cheaper and free than Lookout. if you are looking for free app than Cerberus is here. Cerberus got his name after the greek mythology three headed dog name Cerberus and also you seen in you Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s Stone. It can lockdown your smartphone if you loose your phone. Android Lost Phone App Free
It hide the app icon and in application setting so anyone cant disable it. Its so cool right. You can set a loud alarm even when phone on silent mode. You can also remote control through Website Cerberus or remote control through Sms.
1Android Device Manager

Android Device Manager app provide by Android and it is pre installed in your android device you need to on your Android device manager before using it. But if you lost you smartphone than no worry you can remotely access your phone and turn it on for full information about Android Device Manager Visit Here.
Hope you got what you want if you have any query comment down below we’ll help you. Till than happy surfing. 🙂