Android Technology Definition

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You want to know Android Technology definition, well this is going to be a little bit hard because understanding the technology of any tech device is a bit of difficult and Android is much complex than you thought. Google made easy to you to use and play or even to customize but to understand the definition you have to take some patience because now I’m going to explain it further in this long post.

Definition of Android Technology

For easy to understand Android Technology is a smartphone operating system and also use in tablet laptops, on Linux kernel based platform for third party companies alliance to built off. Android is the first and major lead operating system used worldwide.

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The open nature of Android to customize, design your own display arrange icons, apps and put different types of widget on home screen like weather or stock market live updates. You can do anything you possibly can.

Want to save date reminder for an urgent meeting or you have to make an office file, want to chat with friends simultaneously and also you have to make a presentation you can do it with your device there are hundreds of possible work yo can do it with your Android Device. also see Some Hidden Feature of Android Device

Opportunity For the Android Users

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Android platform gives the opportunity to those businessmen who want to grow their social network and take their feedback on the product, and they quickly provide what customer wants. Making an app for your business, for your company is the first thing to do, and they achieve with Android. Now every person who owns a business or have product for customers now making an app and deal with them directly. Create your Android app for your website or company.

Android is also breaching TV wearables gadget and even in the car for remote control. Hope you find your answer about Android Technology Definition. Till than happy surfing. 🙂


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