Paree La’Tiejira sues Mark Zuckerberg for $1 Billion
A former adult film actress is suing Facebook tycoon Mark Zuckerberg and others in federal court in Houston for $1 billion, saying posts about her on Zuckerberg’s site caused emotional distress and impeded her livelihood.

Ex-porn star Paree La’Tiejira aka Lady Paree sues Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg for $1 billion…
— GiftAdeneNews (@adene_gift) August 25, 2016
According to court documents filed Tuesday in the Southern District of Texas, Paree La’Tiejira, 41, of Houston, worked in porn films in Los Angeles in the mid-1990s under the name Lady Paree. She performed in more than 200 films, according to court documents.
She is currently unemployed and filed the federal lawsuit pro se, without the help of a lawyer.
The lawsuit does not specify who posted what, specifically, on Facebook, but a person named Kyle Anders also named as a defendant.
In the federal suit is a civil lawsuit La’Tiejira filed in Lake County, Indiana, in which a state judge ruled in 2010 that an adult entertainment company owed her $2.5 million for lost income and medical expenses for putting forth false allegations that she was transgender.
Experts in the Indiana bench trial testified that a fan slashed her face with a knife as a result of the allegations, requiring 150 stitches.
The defendants, Mark C. Carriere, of Encino, California, a prolific porn producer, and his company Leisure Time Entertainment, did not show up for the Indiana trial, according to court records.