I think every 2nd person in this world using Facebook for connecting with each other and for social gathering, and Facebook also concentrates on their user and come up with latest technology to update their user with new tools which they can use Facebook easily and in a whole lot of diffrent way. So adding into this Facebook come up with Basketball Game for Facebook Messenger. facebook hidden games
Facebook Messenger’s Hidden Games BasketBall | Chess
The new feature update in New Facebook Messenger app on iPhone and Android. You can play Basketball while you are also chatting with your friends and challenge them making the high score. You have to throw Basketball into the hoop to score high. The game reset if you miss any throw if you just don’t want to play anymore click back, and now you can continue chatting with your boring friend. facebook hidden games
How to Find BasketBall Game in Messenger

- If you haven’i update your Facebook messenger App then do it now.
- Now send a basketball emoji to your any friend or yourself.
- Tap the emoji two times and there you go.
- Now you have the user interface for the Basket ball Game
- Play and enjoy and challenge your friends making high scores.
How to Play Chess in Facebook Messenger

According to Huffington Post If you are not a outdoor game player then you can also play indoor game in your Facebook Messenger. This was the first game Facebook introduced to their user and kept hidden don’t know why but there is no option where you can click and play , but you have to type a secret code to play chess with your friends. facebook hidden games
To start the game, all you need to do is send ” @fbchess play ” to your friend you like to play with, and a small green and white chessboard will pop up.
The only downside is to play the game, you have to Standard Algebraic Notation, which sound pretty complicated, and if you type ” @fbchess help ” you get the instructions of which controls you have to use to play the game
If you have any problem to play these awesome game then comment down below Gadget Gyani help you with your all trick question. Till than happy surfing. 🙂