Playstation VR Pre Order Fastest Selling Company In History


PlayStation VR Pre-Orders At GameStop Were Fastest Selling In Company History

PlayStation VR has been in development for quite awhile with us getting more and more information over the last couple years, and the launch is fast approaching with a release date set in October. There have been a number of different pre-order periods for the device over the past few months and the majority of them have sold out in no time, especially at GameStop.

PlayStation VR

GameStop held their second quarter earnings meeting yesterday where financials for the company was discussed, along with games and hardware. One of the most intriguing upcoming releases is that of PlayStation VR, so of course that was brought up.

According to the earnings call transcript from Seeking Alpha, GameStop Chief Operating Officer Tony Bartel mentioned that VR is struggling to meet demand right now in these early goings, and that they are getting lots of people coming to try out PlayStation VR in their stores when they hold events for them.

Bartel also talked about how the last round of PlayStation VR pre-orders that they had sold out in less than five minutes, which he said was a record for GameStop.

This seems a little surprising with the way some amiibo had sold out seemingly in even less time, but Bartel would know what he’s talking about in this case. He did not mention how fast the initial batch of pre-orders sold out though, so we do not quite not how that stacked up, or how many the last group had versus the other waves.


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