Hollywood is basically known for its greater than larger movies full of science fiction, fantasy, horror, Action. There are so many movies full of futuristic gadgets and technology but some of them are very cool, advanced and things that we can’t imagine. Here you’ll find the movies which are full of different type of gadgets and technology which is different and we can’t think about that gadget and technology.
Top 5 Movies Full of Gadgets and Technology
Most of the realistic gadgets are used in spy movies but there are plenty of gadgets are used science fiction movies but they do not look like realistic. So this list has spy movies compared to science fiction movies. so the first one on our list is:-
Mission impossible Series

Where to begin, Mission Impossible series has tons of realistic gadgets. Like Glue Gloves which is used in Ghost Protocol and the Camera Glasses from the first mission impossible. Instant landing pad, Mask Maker which used in every movie of the series. Eye Scanner and printer, and the digital corridor from Ghost protocol is so cool and advanced. Camera Scanner, tracking Pin. This series of movies is full of tons of gadgets and technology.
James Bond Series

James Bond’s Watch is everything for him. cutter, laser, tracking device, Tv, webcam, and even a printer, grinder, gun, missile, launch button for a missile, Sound recorder, camcorder, Chloroform, fridge, dishwasher, cooler, trimmer, charger, oh wait I think I ran inflow. Now talking about Car, James Bond’s Car is just have everything you can imagine. There is enough button for everything you want to do around you. Launch a Mars mission, machine guns, missile, it can invisible and then come back to visible to you. It never gets a puncture and even if its tyres get flat then it has the ability to fix itself. I can’t mention all of the gadgets here but James Bond has 193 gadgets for himself.
Top 8 Hollywood Movies Gadgets
Get Smart

Get Smart is loosely based on Tv series aired 1965 to 1970. The movie is funny and full enjoyment. Max and his partner Agent 99 use everything from exploding dental floss and tooth radios to a cell phone with knockout gas. The most complex is the Swiss Army Knife made specifically for Max by his geek friends at CONTROL. This particular device holds a flamethrower, blowgun, chisel and, most calamitous of all, a crossbow that shoots a mini harpoon and who can ever forget the shoe phone.
Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget is a 1999 action-comedy film based on the 1983 animated cartoon series of the same name. The inspector gadget has countless gadgets, Half of them is in his Hat and half of them is all over the coat he wears. Gadget Binoculars, Gadget ‘Brella, Gadget Coat, Gadget Copter, Gadget Cuffs, Gadget Hands, Gadget Legs/Arms/Neck, Gadget Legs (springs), Top-Secret Gadget Phone: Gadget Skates, Gadget Springs, Gadget Flower, Gadget Ears.

Gadget Tie: His necktie becomes a lasso, Mallet, Parachute, Gadget Respirator, Gadget Refridge-a-Gadget, Gadget Siren, Gadget Skis: a pair of skis that extend out of the front and back of his shoes, Gadget Teeth: Gadget’s teeth deploy from his mouth and fly about, Gadget Wind Sail: A huge wind sail emerges from his hat, which, when combined with Gadget Skis, allows him to wind sail down a snowy track (used only once, in Bad Altitude), Finger Gadgets.
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Johnny English Series
Johnny English is a laugh riot like “Get Smart”. This movie has also countless gadgets which are used by Mr Bean. There is Wheelchair of his partner which is killer wheelchair and it is a same ability that a James Bond car has. The missile, machine guns, a remote control steering wheel, nitrous oxide cylinder for full speed.

You also find small gadgets like a tracking device, pen garbing hook, nail polish gun, an umbrella that shoots a missile, voice changing tablets and a camera that flashes darts to the enemy. But the main attraction of this movie is Rolls Royce an automatic talking Rolls Royce which fires laser beam and obeys his master.
These are my top five movies that are full of gadgets, comment down below and tell me yours so that I add them to this list or make another. Till then share it guys with your friends on social media and let them know the fullest gadgets movie of all time.