Translate Your Facebook Post in 45 Language

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Facebook now is a giant of Social Networking and make it a world of social gathering. Where people chat, discuss and like like other’s post, pics and other stupid things they do. Every month Facebook giving a new update on its platform. Some days ago Facebook revealed secret game that you can play in your chat with your friend. Click Here To Read

Translate Your Facebook Post in 45 Language

Social networking giant Facebook will soon make it easy for you to communicate with a global audience. The company is introducing a new software that automatically translates your posts to several different languages, a media report said on Saturday.

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This software makes your published posts visible to people in their preferred languages. For example, if you write a post in English the Spanish Facebook user see that post in the Spanish language.

This software makes your published posts visible to people in their preferred languages. All you need to do is type a post, click on the drop down menu and you can choose the desired language you want to translate your post in. Ranging from French to Lithuanian. CNET.

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The so-called “multilingual composer” is being tested only among a small group of users for now. The social network said the feature is already being used by 5,000 Facebook Pages which are specifically for businesses and brands, but it will soon open for testing to the broader social network.

Facebook Uses Artificial Intelligence For Translating

This brand new software uses artificial intelligence (AI) to prefill the translation field when you add different languages to a post. It utilises information like a user’s location, language preferences and what language a person most commonly uses to post on Facebook to decide which version of the message to show.

According to Facebook, about half of its 1.65 billion users worldwide speak a language other than English.The move is expected to allow people to spend more time on Facebook.

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