1TB Hard Disk from China contains empty box and 32GB memory, this is why people don’t trust Chinese goods!
If you have purchased a 1TB hard disk from China, you will be better off if you remove the screws of the drive and check inside. It so happens that kingruudz, a Redditor found that he had been fooled by a Chinese company who shipped him a 1TB Hard Disk, and it had only 32GB space.
Kingruudz opened the case and found the interior of the 1TB HD looking like this:

As you can see from the image, the company has cleverly included two metal rods in the container to give a feel and heaviness of an actual 1TB hard drive. Kingruudz says that he was duped, but he knows another person who had reportedly bought a container of this dud 1TB hard drives for $30,000.
Kingruudz’s Reddit thread got an overwhelming response from other Redditors who had their China stories to tell. Another user, turbo tails noted another scam from China.
[–]turbotails23 459 points