What is Microsoft Windows 7:Microsoft is the leading Operating System manufacturing company in the whole world and trying to upgrade it every time when they feel like we have to update it because now this too boring. After Windows XP they come up with Windows Vista which is not good as the Microsoft saying but right after three years they release Windows 7 on October 22, 2009.
What is Microsoft Windows 7
Windows 7 seven primarily was the upgrade to the Operating System intending to address Windows Vista’s poor poor critical reception while maintaining hardware and software compatibility. Windows 7 continues it’s improvements on Windows Aero ( The futuristic User Interface in the Windows Vista ) with addition of redefined taskbar that allows application to be pinned to it, and new Window management features.

There are also new feature introduced in Windows 7 added like including libraries, the new file sharing system Home Group and support for multitouch input. A new Action Center interface was also added to provide an overview of system security to make it less intrusive. Windows Defender also for better security and save your computer from malicious bugs, malware, virus and trojan. Windows also including several stock application and new and remanufactured Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center.
Windows 7 was generally get positive reviews by critics, because Windows Vista get generally negative reviews because of it lagging between the work and you can run all of the software which are made for Windows operating system.

The critics praise the new Graphical User Interface and its futuristic design and the new taskbar which has more option to do with. Fewer user account control popups, and other major improvement made across the platform. Windows get higher success for Microsoft because when Windows seven had pre-order sales. Windows in just 6 month windows sold over 100 million copies had been sold worldwide, increasing to over 630 million licenses by july 2012. Windows is still number operating system used worldwide.
Hope you get what is Windows 7. if you any query comment down below till than happy surfing 🙂